Invoice List

Invoice #3492

Date Issued: 25/08/2020

Date Due: 29/08/2020


4517 Washington Ave. Manchester, Kentucky 39495, +1 543 2198

Issus For:
Name :Will Marthas
Address :4517 Washington Ave.USA
Phone number :+1 543 2198
Issus Date :25 Jan 2024
Order ID :#653214
Shipment ID :#965215
SL. Items Qty Units Unit Price Price
01 Apple's Shoes 5 PC $200 $1000.00
02 Apple's Shoes 5 PC $200 $1000.00
03 Apple's Shoes 5 PC $200 $1000.00
04 Apple's Shoes 5 PC $200 $1000.00

Sales By: Jammal

Thanks for your business

Subtotal: $4000.00
Discount: $0.00
Tax: 0.00
Total: $1690

Thank you for your purchase!

Signature of Customer
Signature of Authorized